
Apply to Work
Page 6
Tutorial 6

Q&A Links

Creating the Q&A user and developing the profile - LBS

Creating a user
Developing the profile

Creating a user
To be able to write an answer to a question, most Q&A sites will require you to create a user for the site. The requirements may vary but these are some general guidelines:

  1. For the required e-mail address you may use a fictional e-mail address (normally there is no verification)
  2. Select a username – make sure the username has no connection to ANY real personal details
  3. Password
  4. Location – If requested, your location should be the same as where the link building campaign is targeted towards.

Developing the profile
After creating the user you need to add some additional details to the profile to enhance its credibility.

  • Go to Edit Profile
  • Add a profile picture- use any picture, avatar, a cute dog ect.- do not use a real photo of yours!
  • Add a random birth date
  • Add a short biography- interests, job, etc.