
Apply to Work
Page 5
Tutorial 6

Q&A Links

Checking for positive relevancy, trustworthiness and duplicates - LBS

Positive Relevancy
TrustRank and Trustworthiness
Scanning the Q&A page for duplicate links

Positive Relevancy
Congratulations! You’ve found a Q&A post with content relevant to your anchor text and landing page. Your anchor, “vintage earrings” fits perfectly with the question posted “What are some uses of vintage jewelry pieces?”- or does it? Upon closer inspection, someone has an answer about a horrible murder that occurred with a vintage brooch- not the kind of content you want to associate with your link. For reasons such as this, it is very important to read the actual content of the Q&A page and not just search for relevant keywords on the page.

TrustRank and Trustworthy Content
A page’s trustworthiness is a significant factor calculated by search engine results algorithms. The measure of a page’s trustworthiness is termed TrustRank (TR). The more a page’s content resembles spam or includes adult content, gambling, drugs or violence, the lower the page’s TR will be. Linking on a page with a low TR will negatively affect the rankings of the URL in that link. To prevent this, the trustworthiness of a placement page must always be assessed prior to linking. Specifically, the Q&A page needs to be scanned for negative words in comments already posted, links and ads on the page. If low TR content appears anywhere on the page you should search for new placement.

Scanning the Q&A page for duplicate links
Before building a link, it’s important to scan the other answers posted on the page to look for duplicate URLs. This means you will hover over each URL in an answer to make sure it is not the same as the URL of the landing page you are promoting.