
Apply to Work
Page 4
Tutorial 2

Blog Comment Links

Finding a relevant blog - LBS

Before searching for a relevant blog, logout of your Gmail and/or Facebook account so that the search results you receive will not be influenced by your personal details.

When performing the Google query, make sure that you are using the search engine relevant to the language of the link you need to build. For instance, when searching for a blog in English use the Google search engine for the US (Google.com), yet when searching for a blog in French use the engine Google.fr, etc.

To Search for Blogs in English – www.google.com

Enter the following in the Search box:

  • site:blogspot.com "Post a Comment" +"Term"
  • site:typepad.com "URLs automatically linked." +"Term" -"comments are moderated" -" Please sign in before leaving a comment."
  • site:blogsome.com -"comments are moderated"+"Live Preview:"+ "Term"
  • site:blog.com URI OR Website +"Leave a Reply"+"Term"
  • site:blogspirit.com "Post a comment"+"Your URL:"+"Term"
  • site:blog.symbaloo.com "leave a reply"+"Term"
  • Additional Multilingual Google Queries

To broaden your search for link placements you can try using these more general queries:

In the Google search menu, on the sidebar, select the “More” option and then the “Blogs” option.
In the search field enter the following:
“post a comment” OR “leave a comment” +TERM